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News & Features
Campaign 2004

Candidate Profiles

News Headlines
Sondra Erickson
Sondra Erickson
District: 16A
Party: GOP
Residence: Princeton, MN
Web site:

Statement from the candidate:
I am Sondra Erickson, State Representative for 16A, I am the endorsed by the Republican Party also am a part of the Republican Caucus of the House of Representatives. I have served for seven years and chair the ethics committee.

I am pro-life and pro-traditional marriage, pro-fiscal responsibility and accountability, pro-reform of K-12 funding, pro-second amendment rights, pro-hunting, fishing and gathering rights, and pro-property rights.

I am honest and hard working and have helped hundreds of my constituents solve various problems and overcome challenges during my tenure. 2005-06 will be another challenge for all of us. First, I want to be fiscally responsible - without raising taxes; at least that is what you have told me to do. Next, I want to help overhaul the K-12 education funding formula. When local and state funding ranges from $5200 per student to $16,000 per student, we have a problem, It is time to let go of "status quo" in education.

I look forward to working with parents, teachers, school boards and others to adopt a formula that is understandable to the public and that is fair and equitable. Furthermore, the new formula should be logically linked to and stimulate student learning plus elevate school accountability. And it needs to foster community engagement and encourage creativity by educators. In addition my 200-06 platform
stresses health care reform that empowers the consumer and allows for more options such health savings accounts.

Lower prescription drug costs will help all of us, but we need a system that keeps our local pharmacies in business. Ur. agriculture industry in central Minnesota needs to return to former days by placing more focus on value-added products and providing incentives for the production of livestock and dairy. Finally, I will continue to work
with cities and counties to provide incentives to bring business and industry to Central Minnesota, for I want families working and living here, not living here and then traveling south to work.

You can trust my leadership.

Sondra Erickson: age 62; born in Ada, MN; widow with one child: Carter, age 33. B.A., Concordia College (Moorhead), 90 graduate credits.
-Retired English/journalism teacher (2000) - Princeton High School
-Elected to legislature in January 1998 and chairs the ethics committee.
-Serves on K-12 finance and K-12 Policy, Government Operations and Veterans Affairs, Legislative Rules and Administration, Pension Commission and Legislative Audit Commission
-Encored by Republican Party, Chamber of Commerce, Police Officers Alliance of Minnesota and Care Providers of Minnesota
-National task force member of K-12 education for American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC); Minnesota selection for 2000 Midwest legislative leadership school
-Board member: Elim Care, Inc., Rum River Life Choices, volunteer: Interfaith Caregivers; former board member of State Board of Teaching.
-Winner of Gaurdian of Small Business Award from NFIB in 2000 and 2002 and 2004; 1986 Excellence in Education Award from Minnesota Chamber Foundation; 1989 Outstanding scholastic journalism adviser of Minnesota; Who's Who Among America's Teachers - 1990-2000; Minnesota's Outstanding
Young Woman of 1971.

On the Issues:
Should increased taxes be considered as part of a solution to a projected budget deficit?

Should gambling be expanded in Minnesota to generate new revenue for the state?

Should state funds — directly or indirectly — be used to build new sports facilities for the Twins and Vikings?

Do you support Gov Pawlenty's JOBZ zones program?

Should K-12 spending in Minnesota be curtailed in order to balance a projected budget deficit?

Should a constitutional amendment be presented to voters that would ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota?

Should the state spend money for expanding mass transit options in Minnesota?

Should there be additional restrictions on abortion in Minnesota?

Should the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which seeks to protect wildlife habitat and wetlands by paying farmers for taking marginal lands out of agriculture production, be supported?

Should the state's subsidized health care program be trimmed in order to reduce a projected budget deficit?
