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News & Features
Campaign 2004

Candidate Profiles

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Bill Hilty
Rep. Bill Hilty
Party: DFL
Residence: Finlayson, MN
Web site:

Statement from the candidate:
I am running for a fifth term in the Minnesota House. I am a Democrat; I believe public service in the common good, and that it is government's purpose to promote it. I believe with Paul Wellstone that "we all do better when we ALL do better," and I subscribe totally to the Native American value that we must think of the consequences of what we do for at least the next seven generations. By contrast, the current Republican House majority seems incapable of thinking past the next election, or the immediate bottom line. We can't go on like this.

I have brought to my work in the Legislature a broad range of experience, which includes being raised on a forty-cow dairy farm, working in ag research, in union labor as a precision machinist and as a foundry worker, in education as a college instructor and as a business owner with experience in both manufacturing and retailing. I hold BS and MA degrees from Purdue University, and have done extensive graduate work at the University of Minnesota, where I taught for six years. I have served on the Finlayson School Board and on the Pine County Special Education Co-operative Board. For the past six years I have been the DFL lead on the State Government Finance Committee, and have served on the Government Operations and Veterans' Affairs, Commerce, Labor Management Relations, Regulated Industries, and Judiciary Finance and Policy committees as well.

On the Issues:
Should increased taxes be considered as part of a solution to a projected budget deficit?

Should gambling be expanded in Minnesota to generate new revenue for the state?

Should state funds — directly or indirectly — be used to build new sports facilities for the Twins and Vikings?

Do you support Gov Pawlenty's JOBZ zones program?

Should K-12 spending in Minnesota be curtailed in order to balance a projected budget deficit?

Should a constitutional amendment be presented to voters that would ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota?

Should the state spend money for expanding mass transit options in Minnesota?

Should there be additional restrictions on abortion in Minnesota?

Should the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which seeks to protect wildlife habitat and wetlands by paying farmers for taking marginal lands out of agriculture production, be supported?

Should the state's subsidized health care program be trimmed in order to reduce a projected budget deficit?
