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News & Features
Campaign 2004

Candidate Profiles

News Headlines
Gail Kulick Jackson
Patrick Kirby
Party: DFL
Residence: Milaca, MN
Web site:

Statement from the candidate:
I want to see Minnesota give all of its children the same opportunities I had growing up here. I attended a well-funded public school where I could paticipate in many extracurricular activities, because it did not cost my family more. I was able to put myself through college and law school, attending two state public institutions, because it was affordable.

By cutting funding to Head Start, ECFE, K-12, and MnSCUA, we are depriving Minnesota's children of the opportunity to succeed that we had. These kids are our economic future, and failing to take care them is not only immoral, it's long-term economic folly. Likewise, failing to invest now in health care, conservation, and transportation will cost us much more in the long run.

I want to represent my district and work toward being the Minnesota that invests in itself, especially its people.

Born in 1959 to dairy farmers in Todd County, Minn. Third of six kids.

Education: Hamline University and St. Cloud State University (BA); University of Minnesota Law School (JD).

Family: Husband, Paul; three children -- Zoe, Hunter & Owen.

Employment: Burger-flipper, toilet cleaner, house painter, newspaper reporter, judicial clerk, attorney. Owner of Kulick Law Offices in Milaca since 1986.

Volunteerism: Milaca School Board, high school Mock Trial coach. Junior Great Books leader, non-profit health services corp. Volunteer attorney, community ed teachers, confirmation mentor, economic development commission and law r-related activities.

On the Issues:

Should increased taxes be considered as part of a solution to a projected budget deficit?

Should gambling be expanded in Minnesota to generate new revenue for the state?

Should state funds — directly or indirectly — be used to build new sports facilities for the Twins and Vikings?

Do you support Gov Pawlenty's JOBZ zones program?

Should K-12 spending in Minnesota be curtailed in order to balance a projected budget deficit?

Should a constitutional amendment be presented to voters that would ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota?

Should the state spend money for expanding mass transit options in Minnesota?

Should there be additional restrictions on abortion in Minnesota?

Should the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which seeks to protect wildlife habitat and wetlands by paying farmers for taking marginal lands out of agriculture production, be supported?

Should the state's subsidized health care program be trimmed in order to reduce a projected budget deficit?
