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News & Features
Campaign 2004

Candidate Profiles

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Pat Mellenthin
Party: DFL
Residence: Marshall, MN
Web site:

Statement from the candidate:
I am running for State Representative because I believe that rural Minnesotans deserves a Representative who is willing to reach across party lines and compromise when necessary to get things done for the people of Minnesota. I am concerned that rural Minnesota and some of our most vulnerable citizens have been asked to bear more than their fair share in balancing the budget and concerned about the irresponsible fiscal management of our current leadership. Greater Minnesota deserves a Representative who will fight for equitable funding, so that the children, families, businesses and communities in rural Minnesota share the same opportunities for success that those in wealthy suburban districts enjoy.

I am currently the Executive Director for Arc SW, a non-profit organization that provies support to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families in a 16-county region in southwestern Minnesota. My husband and I own a small business (motel) in Marshall, which has been in my family for nearly 50 years and which our youngest son now manages. All three of our children are married, living and working in the Marshall community. Jon and I also own and operate a family farm partnership, which includes 800 acres of corn and soybeans and a small cow-calf operation. I have been actively involved in my community all of my adult life serving on the WMMC Hospital Board, Lynd School Board, Marshall Area Chamber Board, First Lutheran Church Council and Foundation Board, Children's Fire Executive Board, and various other boards and committees.

On the Issues:
Should increased taxes be considered as part of a solution to a projected budget deficit?

Should gambling be expanded in Minnesota to generate new revenue for the state?

Should state funds — directly or indirectly — be used to build new sports facilities for the Twins and Vikings?

Do you support Gov Pawlenty's JOBZ zones program?

Should K-12 spending in Minnesota be curtailed in order to balance a projected budget deficit?

Should a constitutional amendment be presented to voters that would ban same-sex marriage in Minnesota?

Should the state spend money for expanding mass transit options in Minnesota?

Should there be additional restrictions on abortion in Minnesota?

Should the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, which seeks to protect wildlife habitat and wetlands by paying farmers for taking marginal lands out of agriculture production, be supported?

Should the state's subsidized health care program be trimmed in order to reduce a projected budget deficit?
