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Kerry picks Edwards for Democratic ticket
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Tuesday selected former rival John Edwards to be his running mate, calling the wealthy former trial lawyer and rookie senator a man who showed "guts and determination and political skills" in his unsuccessful race against Kerry for the party's nomination.
Thousands gather for Kerry appearance in Cloquet
John Kerry kicked off a three-day bus tour of Middle America on friendly turf Friday, in traditionally Democratic territory that has also felt the sting of the war in Iraq.
John Kerry in Cloquet
Democratic presidential hopeful John Kerry is kicking off a three-day bus tour of Minn., Wis. and Iowa in Cloquet, Minn. MPR has live coverage and analysis.
Local election officials concerned about new voter registration system
Minnesota's new voter registration system has its first test Tuesday in a special primary election in Dakota County. The switchover is part of a nationwide overhaul inspired by the Florida debacle of 2000. But some local election officials say a broad rollout of the new system during a tight presidential election could lead to big headaches in Minnesota.
Stirring the political pot
Al Gore's former campaign manager offers insight about the 2000 campaign and the upcoming presidential battle.
Let's talk politics
With the Green Party meeting in Milwaukee for its national convention, it's time to talk politics. Independent candidate Ralph Nader, who ran as a Green in 2000 and is credited with taking enough votes from Al Gore to win the race for George W. Bush, named Green party member Peter Camejo as his running mate on Monday. A poll from Quinnipiac University out today showed Nader pulling seven percent in Pennsylvania--a key battleground state. The poll showed President Bush and John Kerry in a statistical dead heat in the state that Gore won by 4.2 percentage points in the last election--perhaps an indication of just how close this year's race is likely to be. Even Minnesota, which has historically been a Democratic stronghold in presidential elections, is considered up for grabs this time around.
Laura Bush campaigns for the president
First Lady Laura Bush told a cheering crowd in St. Paul Friday afternoon her husband has worked hard for all Americans since becoming president, and it's time for Americans to help re-elect him and Vice President Cheney. Laura Bush's stop in Minnesota was part of a two-day swing through three states considered to be battlegrounds in this fall's presidential election.
Bush campaign manager fires up Minnesota Republicans
President Bush's campaign manager says there's good reason why Minnesota is among the states drawing national attention in the presidential political arena this year. Ken Mehlman told the roughly 1,500 people gathered at the state Republican convention Saturday that Bush only lost the state by 50,000 votes last time. And this time, the party will put more effort into grassroots campaigning in the state.
Minnesota Republicans gear up for November
About 3,000 Minnesota Republicans meet in St. Paul this weekend for the party's state convention. The convention will honor the late President Ronald Reagan and get party activists fired up for the November election. Republicans want to build on their electoral victories in 2002, and they hope the state will vote for a Republican for president for the first time in more than three decades.
Minnesota Republicans talk about the campaign
Minnesota Republicans hold their convention in St. Paul, while some are planning a memorial service for Ronald Reagan. The state chairman talks about Republican strategies for maintaining a majority in the Minnesota House and about the Bush campaign.
Kerry rolls out campaign for the veterans' vote in Minneapolis visit
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Friday celebrated the "special bond" he shares with other veterans across the country as he formally rolled out his campaign for the traditionally conservative-leaning veterans' vote.
John Kerry visits Minnesota
LIVE coverage of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry's visit to Minnesota with analysis by political scientist Steven Smith of Washington University in St. Louis.
John Kerry trying to tap support from vets
John Kerry thinks he can attract veterans who usually vote for Republicans because, Kerry says, the Bush administration has "broken faith with veterans." The Bush-Cheney 2004 campaign claims it has solid support from veterans that's not eroding.
Ralph Nader at the National Press Club
"Breaking the two-party system" is the title of an address by Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
Presidential politics
Host Gary Eichten and his guest discuss this year's presidential election. With headlines dominated by violence in Iraq and rising gasoline prices, Democrats are encouraged by polls that show that most Americans believe the nation is on the "wrong track" and President Bush's approval ratings are below 50 percent, the lowest of his term.

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