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Minnesotans help campaign in Iowa
On January 19, Iowans will gather in town halls, schoolrooms and supper clubs to begin the process of selecting a Democratic presidential nominee. Minnesota's caucuses won't be held until March 2, and some Democrats think the nomination could already be decided by then. But that doesn't mean Minnesotans are frozen out of the process. Hundreds have crossed the border to help campaign in Iowa for their favorite candidates.
Kucinich brings campaign to North Dakota
Dennis Kucinich brought his campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination to Fargo Tuesday. Despite a poor showing in the polls, the Ohio congressman believes he still has a shot at the party's presidential nomination.
Republican politics and policies
Host Gary Eichten and his guest discuss national politics and Republican policies. President Bush is grabbing headlines with ambitious proposals to send Americans to the moon and Mars and to revamp immigration policy. But his election-year agenda is costly and controversial, alarming some of his conservative supporters who wonder how a nation with record budget deficits and an expensive war on terrorism will find the money.
Wesley Clark visits Superior
Democratic presidential candidate Wesley Clark stopped in Superior, Wisconsin, over the weekend. The retired general has been gaining in the polls against front-runner Howard Dean in the last couple of weeks.
The Bush dynasty
A Twin Cities speech by former Republican political strategist Kevin Phillips. He is author of a new book, "American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush. Kevin Phillips spoke at the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs.
Democratic challengers meet in radio-only debate
Howard Dean accused President Bush of pursuing a policy that will "allow North Korea to become a nuclear power" on Tuesday, as a Democratic presidential debate turned into an all-out assault on President Bush's foreign policy.
John Thune challenges Daschle for U.S. Senate
Some political analysts say South Dakota's race for the United State Senate just became the closest watched race in the nation. Former Republican congressman John Thune announced his intentions to challenge Democratic leader Tom Daschle. Thune ran against Senator Tim Johnson in 2002 and lost by just over 500 votes.
Standing room only crowd greets Dean in Fargo
The man some call the front-runner for the Democratic presidential nomination, visited Fargo on Monday night. Howard Dean's visit came on the heels of a campaign stop Sunday by Dick Gephardt.
Democratic presidential candidates debate
Seven of the nine democratic presidential candidates debated in Des Moines, Iowa, Sunday night in the first official event of the election year. Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean was sharply criticized by his rivals on taxes, health care, and terrorism. Drake University political scientist Dennis Goldford discusses presidential politics.
Gephardt tells growers he's top candidate to change trade policy
Democratic presidential hopeful Richard Gephardt said he's the best candidate to change trade policy, telling a group of Red River Valley sugar beet growers that a new deal with Central America would hurt family farms.
Rivals target front-runner Dean in first debate of the election year
In a feisty, first debate of the election year, Howard Dean drew fire from fellow Democrats on Sunday over trade, terror and taxes, then calmly dismissed his rivals as "co-opted by the agenda of George Bush."
Political overview for 2003, and predictions for 2004
Long-time political analysts Bob Meek and Tom Horner join host Gary Eichten in the studio to discuss the political landscape of 2003, and what's ahead in 2004.
The year in politics
An overview of the major politcial stories from 2003 and a look ahead to the Iowa caucus and early primaries.
Third party politics and the presidential race
2000 presidential candidate Ralph Nader has decided not to run as a Green Party candidate for president in 2004. Nader's decision has Minnesota Greens worried about the future of the party.
Does Mark Kennedy have higher goals?
Some of the biggest political speculation in Minnesota has nothing to do with the 2004 election. Instead, it's looking ahead to 2006 when DFL incumbent U.S. Sen. Mark Dayton is up for re-election. One of the names most often mentioned as a Republican who might challenge Dayton is 6th District Congressman Mark Kennedy, who was first elected to the House of Representatives in 2000.

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