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Campaign 2004

Candidate Bio
Al Sharpton
Political affiliation:
Democratic Party
October 3, 1954
Brooklyn, NY
Married to singer Kathy Jordan. Two children. Pentecostal.
Attended Brooklyn College, 1973-75
Candidate for State Senate, 1978; Candidate for US Senate, 1992 & 1994; Candidate for New York City Mayor, 1997. Licensed and ordained a Minister at age 10 ; appointed Junior Pastor of the Washington Temple congregation. Founder & President, National Action Network, 1991-present. Founder, National Youth Movement, 1971. Road Manager for singer James Brown, 1973-80.
On the Issues


Sharpton's speech to the Democratic National Convention (6/28/03)
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Al Sharpton

Al Sharpton was one of only two candidates not named Kerry still in the race by the time Democrats held their national convention in Boston in July 2004. But he pulled out of the race, and was given a prime-time speaking role. Taking 20 minutes to speak, when he was given only 6, Sharpton electrified the delegates with a spirited rebuke of President George W. Bush, in what was a carefully scripted convention that sought to avoid direct attacks on Bush.

Hardly a word about Al Sharpton has been written in the mainstream media without "controversial" being placed before his name. Critics say he's little more than a publicity seeker who straddles the line of right and wrong. Time magazine says Sharpton views the campaign as his chance to displace Rev. Jesse Jackson as the icon of black leadership in America. He's a liberal Democrat who thinks the party's move to the center has come at the expense of the poor and minorities. He first gained national attention in the 1980s for defending Tawanna Brawley, who claimed to the victim of a racial attack. It turned out to be a hoax. Past political aspirations were muted by the 2002 HBO airing of a film showing Sharpton allegedly aggreeing to participate in money laundering for illegal, Mafia-connected cocaine deals; a tape which Sharpton said was an FBI set-up.

Laura Bush's political prominence reflects her popularity
First lady Laura Bush, in a rare foray into foreign policy, will present her husband as a commanding warrior against terrorism in a prime-time convention speech Tuesday night that highlights his leadership in "the most historic struggle my generation has ever known." Mrs. Bush has become a very active campaigner for her husband in recent months.
Bush and Kerry's economic plans
Even though a recent Pew Research Center poll shows national security weighs heavier on most Americans' minds than the economy, it's also clear that money matters to voters. But what are George W. Bush and John Kerry actually proposing to do in terms of economic policy? We ask two economists to compare the candidates' plans.
Republicans praise Bush's handling of terrorism; delegates approve platform
Republicans belittled Democratic Sen. John Kerry as a shift-in-the-wind campaigner unworthy of the White House on Monday, opening their national convention four miles from Ground Zero of America's worst terrorist attack. "We need George Bush more than ever," said former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
A brief history of the Republican Party
As the Republicans convene in New York City for their national convention we sit down with two historians and trace the transformations the party has gone through from Abraham Lincoln to George W. Bush.
Minnesotans join thousands of others in New York protest
A busload of Minnesotans joined a protest by tens of thousands of people in Manhattan on Sunday as Republicans streamed into the city for their national convention.
Minnesota Bush supporters in NY for GOP convention
As the Republican National Convention begins in New York City, 41 delegates and 38 alternates from Minnesota will gather at Madison Square Garden. For about two-thirds of the Minnesota delegates, this is their first national convention. Many have significant roles in the Bush-Cheney campaign, and the delegation is united in its support for President Bush and his reelection bid.
Kerry campaign goes after undecideds
Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry on Thursday laid out his plans for addressing the increasing cost of health care at a forum at Anoka Technical College. But health care wasn't the only issue on the minds of the audience. Kerry's scheduled 45-minute appearance expanded to nearly two hours as he tackled questions that veered well beyond the topic of the day.
Kerry comes to Minnesota
Senator John Kerry talked about health care in comments carried live from Anoka Technical College. He followed with a question and answer session with the audience reportedly including undecided voters. Meanwhile, questions still surround the connections between the campaigns and independent advocacy groups.
Kerry and Bush offer dramatically different health care proposals
President Bush and Democratic challenger John Kerry have radically different approaches to addresses the rising cost of health care. President Bush would direct most incentives to individuals who buy their own coverage, while Sen. Kerry would provide businesses that provide workers with health insurance with tax breaks.
Ralph Nader in Sioux Falls
Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader spoke to some 250 supporters in Sioux Falls, South Dakota on August 24. He gave a wide-ranging policy speech outlining his positions on everything from the war in Iraq to the threat of a new flu epidemic. He also spoke out against Democratic efforts to keep him off the ballot in many states, saying John Kerry would be "presented with a mini-Watergate" if he didn't rein in his supporters.
Third parties and independent voters
What role will Ralph Nader play in this year's presidential election? What's the future of Minnesota's Independence party in the post-Ventura era? We talk with the former chairs of Minnesota's Green and Independence parties about the role third parties and independent voters will play in upcoming local and national elections.
Nader brings campaign to South Dakota
Ralph Nader says the only way to change government is to get involved. Nader spoke in Sioux Falls Tuesday night. He talked for more than two hours, criticizing corporate greed, the Bush administration and the war in Iraq. Nader says historically, the nation's best laws have been a reaction to citizen outrage.
The battleground within the battleground
When Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry comes to Minnesota to campaign Thursday, he's going to the Anoka Hennepin Technical College in Anoka County. Why Anoka County? Most likely because it's a key swing county in what both Republicans and Democrats see as a key swing state.
Talk of Minnesota: John Kerry's 1971 anti-war testimony
In April of 1971, John Kerry gave a speech before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations about war crimes that other soldiers serving in Vietnam allegedly committed. That testimony is the focus of a new Swift Boat Veterans for Truth ad that claims Kerry "dishonored his country and more importantly the people he served with." We play the ad alongside Kerry's testimony, and then we open the phone lines to get listeners' reactions.
War on the campaign trail
Debate over the presidential candidates' war service has refreshed the divide over the Vietnam War. Midmorning takes a look at war as a campaign issue and factor in presidential elections.

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