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Campaign 2004

Candidate Bio
George W. Bush
Political affiliation:
Republican Party
July 6, 1946
New Haven, CT
Married Laura Welsh, a librarian, in 1977. Twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna. Methodist.
President of the United States
Attended Phillips Academy, Andover (Mass.), and received degrees from Yale (B.A., 1968) and Harvard (M.B.A., 1975) universities.
Won election as governor of Texas, 1994.Worked in the oil and gas business in the '70s anbd '80s. Failed Republican nominee for Congress in 1978. Former owner of the Texas Rangers baseball club.
On the Issues
Audio Final presidential debate (10/13/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry debated in Tempe, Arizona.
Audio Second presidential debate (10/8/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry held their second debate in St. Louis, Mo.
Audio Vice presidential debate, Cleveland, Ohio (10/5/04)
John Edwards and Dick Cheney meet in their only debate.
Audio First presidential debate, Miami, Florida (9/30/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry's first of three debates.
Audio Johnston, Iowa (1/4/04)
Seven Democratic candidates debated, two weeks before the Iowa caucuses.
Audio New Hampshire (12/9/03)
Eight of the Democratic candidates ganged up on front-runner Howard Dean
Audio NY Debate (9/25/03)
Ten Democratic candidates for president debate in New York, sponsored by MSNBC.
Audio Highlights
Audio President Bush's post-election news conference (11/4/04)
Audio President George W. Bush accepts his victory (11/3/04)
Audio Bush speaks at Rochester airport (10/19/04)
Audio Rally in Chanhassen (10/09/04)
Audio Rally in St. Cloud (9/16/04)
Audio Ask the President in Hudson, Wis. (8/18/04)
Audio Bush in Mankato (8/4/04)
Audio Bush in LeSueur (8/4/04)
Audio Cheney in Minneapolis(2/23/04)
Delivers pep talk to GOP.
Audio State of the Union(1/20/04)
"America's economy is strong but there are still troubled times in some parts of the country."
Audio Bush in Minnesota (8/26/03)
The president spoke at St. Paul's RiverCentre during a campaign fundraising stop.
Links and Resources
Web site:
Campaign blog:
Document Blogs for Bush
Campaign contributors:
Document Political Money Line
Candidate Pages

George W. Bush

President Bush had the power of incumbency on his side as he sought re-election to office. He has traveled extensively around the country, amassing a campaign war chest that allowed him to avoid the need for public financing, and the campaign spending limits that accompany it. It was a recipe that worked well in his first campaign, in which he raised so much money, that many of his dispirited Republican challengers dropped out of the race before the first primary was held. Bush's popularity soared following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Although his favorable poll numbers often dipped below 50 percent, Bush was able to stay on his message during his entire campaign: the fight against terrorism. In the end, according to exit polling on Election Day, the election was as much about the war in Iraq and the fight against terrorism, as an affirmation of Bush's policies.

He won the election on November 2, 2004 with the largest popular vote in the nation's history, thanks in large measure to a huge turnout.

Bush, Kerry clash on Iraq war in first of three debates
Sen. John Kerry accused President Bush Thursday night of a "colossal error in judgment" by ordering the invasion of Iraq. "The world is better off without Saddam Hussein," the president shot back in campaign debate, adding his rival once said so himself.
On eve of first Kerry-Bush debate, Cheney comes calling
Vice President Dick Cheney made a couple of campaign stops in Minnesota on Wednesday. In the Twin Cities suburb of Lake Elmo, Cheney met with a handful of small business owners. He defended the war on terrorism and talked about ways to make health care more affordable. Later Cheney and his wife Lynne, appeared at a Town Hall Forum at a small plane manufacturer in Duluth.
Campaign 2004: Health Care
The rising cost and lack of availability of health care is a huge problem. The solution has eluded Washington lawmakers for more than a decade. Both presidential candidates are talking about the problem and proposing dramatically different solutions. As part of a Midmorning series, Slicing the Spin, MPR's Mark Zdechlik looks at those differences.
Kerry creates stir in Wisconsin small town
Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry is in Spring Green, Wisconsin, preparing for Thursday's debate with President George W. Bush. Kerry's decision to do his debate prep at the House on the Rock resort is creating quite a stir in the small Wisconsin town. One of the people most excited about the arrival of the Kerry camp is Todd Miller, a Democrat running for the Wisconsin State Assembly, and the co-owner of the Spring Green General Store.
MPR poll: Minnesotans think war will worsen U.S. standing in the world
A new poll sponsored by Minnesota Public Radio and the St. Paul Pioneer Press suggests that most Minnesotans have misgivings about certain aspects of the war or its aftermath, but a majority still says the president is better prepared to manage the situation.
President George W. Bush at the United Nations
President George W. Bush addresses the United Nations on Tuesday. In his weekly radio address, Bush promised to "talk about the great possibilities of our time to improve health, expand prosperity and extend freedom in the world." He said the United States is determined "to spread hope and economic progress and freedom as the alternatives to hatreds, resentments and terrorist violence."
Bush defends Iraq policy amid bipartisan criticism
President Bush, buffeted by criticism from Democratic Sen. John Kerry and even some in his own party on Iraq, is urging U.S. voters to stick with him on the war in the face of surging violence.
Bush seeks to turn up the pressure in Minnesota
President Bush staged a fast and furious tour of Minnesota on Thursday, rallying in two cities and holding a health care forum in a third as two new polls showed him even with Democrat John Kerry.
MPR poll: Bush momentum builds over Kerry in Minnesota
As President Bush makes a three-city campaign swing through Minnesota, a new poll shows him with a narrow lead over Democrat John Kerry in the state. It's the first time Bush has led Kerry in the Minnesota Public Radio-St. Paul Pioneer Press poll. The slim two-point lead is within the poll's margin of sampling error, and pollsters say the race is still a toss-up.
Bush spending little time in Washington
If you're looking for President Bush, don't bother searching the White House. Bush has not spent a full day in Washington since Aug. 2 - roaming the country rather than staying in the Oval Office as he seeks a second term. He'll be in Washington Wednesday to host a concert and reception at the White House. Then Bush hits the road again Thursday for a campaign swing through Minnesota.
Vice presidential candidates campaign in Minnesota
Vice President Dick Cheney and his Democratic challenger, John Edwards, brought their campaigns to Minnesota on Monday. Cheney spoke to a group of nearly 500 supporters at the Minnesota State Fair, while Edwards spoke to thousands of supporters at an AFL-CIO Labor Day rally in St. Paul.
Presidential campaigning ramps up again in Minnesota
One day after President Bush formally accepted his party's nomination for re-election, the president and his surrogates have fanned across the country to launch the general campaign season. Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., was part of the team, landing in Minnesota to rally Republicans at the State Fair. Of course, Democratic candidate John Kerry was at the fair on opening day. And Vice-President Dick Cheney is expected there on Labor Day, while Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards will be across town at a Labor Day picnic on Harriet Island. MPR's Michael Khoo reports on the uptick in campaigning.
Bush says 'we will prevail' over terrorism; Kerry calls president unfit to lead
President Bush picked apart John Kerry's record on the Iraq war and tax cuts Thursday night, and summoned the nation toward victory over terrorism and economic security at home. "Nothing will hold us back," he said in a Republican National Convention acceptance speech that launched his fall re-election campaign. Kerry couldn't wait to counter the attacks on his record, calling Bush unfit to lead and saying he misled the nation into the Iraq war.
Bush: Fighting terror 'not for pride,' but to protect Americans
President Bush, his first term shadowed by war, promises to fight terrorists "not for pride, not for power" but to keep America safe. In excerpts of his acceptance speech, the Republican incumbent predicted that voters will want four more years of "steady, consistent, principled leadership."
Zell Miller and Dick Cheney at the RNC
We continue our week of highlights from the Republican National Convention with the remarks of Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. Zell Miller, D-Ga. The two speakers took off the gloves and delivered stinging attacks on Democratic Democratic candidate John Kerry.

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