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Campaign 2004

Candidate Bio
George W. Bush
Political affiliation:
Republican Party
July 6, 1946
New Haven, CT
Married Laura Welsh, a librarian, in 1977. Twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna. Methodist.
President of the United States
Attended Phillips Academy, Andover (Mass.), and received degrees from Yale (B.A., 1968) and Harvard (M.B.A., 1975) universities.
Won election as governor of Texas, 1994.Worked in the oil and gas business in the '70s anbd '80s. Failed Republican nominee for Congress in 1978. Former owner of the Texas Rangers baseball club.
On the Issues
Audio Final presidential debate (10/13/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry debated in Tempe, Arizona.
Audio Second presidential debate (10/8/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry held their second debate in St. Louis, Mo.
Audio Vice presidential debate, Cleveland, Ohio (10/5/04)
John Edwards and Dick Cheney meet in their only debate.
Audio First presidential debate, Miami, Florida (9/30/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry's first of three debates.
Audio Johnston, Iowa (1/4/04)
Seven Democratic candidates debated, two weeks before the Iowa caucuses.
Audio New Hampshire (12/9/03)
Eight of the Democratic candidates ganged up on front-runner Howard Dean
Audio NY Debate (9/25/03)
Ten Democratic candidates for president debate in New York, sponsored by MSNBC.
Audio Highlights
Audio President Bush's post-election news conference (11/4/04)
Audio President George W. Bush accepts his victory (11/3/04)
Audio Bush speaks at Rochester airport (10/19/04)
Audio Rally in Chanhassen (10/09/04)
Audio Rally in St. Cloud (9/16/04)
Audio Ask the President in Hudson, Wis. (8/18/04)
Audio Bush in Mankato (8/4/04)
Audio Bush in LeSueur (8/4/04)
Audio Cheney in Minneapolis(2/23/04)
Delivers pep talk to GOP.
Audio State of the Union(1/20/04)
"America's economy is strong but there are still troubled times in some parts of the country."
Audio Bush in Minnesota (8/26/03)
The president spoke at St. Paul's RiverCentre during a campaign fundraising stop.
Links and Resources
Web site:
Campaign blog:
Document Blogs for Bush
Campaign contributors:
Document Political Money Line
Candidate Pages

George W. Bush

President Bush had the power of incumbency on his side as he sought re-election to office. He has traveled extensively around the country, amassing a campaign war chest that allowed him to avoid the need for public financing, and the campaign spending limits that accompany it. It was a recipe that worked well in his first campaign, in which he raised so much money, that many of his dispirited Republican challengers dropped out of the race before the first primary was held. Bush's popularity soared following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Although his favorable poll numbers often dipped below 50 percent, Bush was able to stay on his message during his entire campaign: the fight against terrorism. In the end, according to exit polling on Election Day, the election was as much about the war in Iraq and the fight against terrorism, as an affirmation of Bush's policies.

He won the election on November 2, 2004 with the largest popular vote in the nation's history, thanks in large measure to a huge turnout.

The government's role in stimulating the economy
President Bush visited Minneapolis Monday to talk about jobs and the economy. His comments raise questions about what the government's role should be in stimulating the economy and creating jobs.
Presidential politics
President Bush and his challenger Senator John Kerry are both coming to Minneapolis. Host Gary Eichten and his guest talk about presidential politics and Minnesota's role in the 2004 election.
Bush team asks senators to turn on one of their own
The Bush campaign has recruited Sen. Norm Coleman to paint presumptive Democratic nominee John Kerry as weak on defense and a flip-flopper, despite Coleman's own reputation for changing political positions.
Foreign policy from Kerry and Cheney
Foreign policy speeches by likely Democratic presidential nominee John Kerry and Vice President Dick Cheney. Kerry spoke Thursday at George Washington University and Cheney spoke at the Ronald Reagan Library in California.
The buying of America's elected leaders
Investigative journalist and author, Charles Lewis, speaking recently at the City Club of Cleveland. Lewis is the founder and executive director of the Washington-based Center for Public Integrity, a non-profit, non-partisan watchdog group that tracks the links between monied interests and American elected leaders. His books include The Buying of the President 2000, and The Buying of the President 2004: Who's Really Bankrolling Bush and His Democratic Challengers--and What They Expect in Return.
Bush's first ad for re-election focuses on past three years
President Bush talks about his hope for the future in his re-election campaign's first television ads but mainly focuses on the national security and economic challenges America has faced during his three years in office.
The general campaign begins
On Thursday, President Bush's re-election campaign dips into a $100 million-plus war chest to begin television commercials in 50 or more cities across more than a dozen battleground states. It's money Sen. John Kerry doesn't have - in states where he hasn't yet polled for a general election contest.
John Kerry has a super Tuesday
Senator John Kerry dominated the Super Tuesday contests and now readies for the November election. In Minnesota, caucus turnout was high.
Kerry adds Minnesota to Super Tuesday rout
John Kerry charged to victory Tuesday in Minnesota's Democratic caucus, adding to his near sweep of Super Tuesday states that pushed rival John Edwards out of the nomination hunt.
Super Tuesday Results
Results from state primaries and the Minnesota caucuses for 'Super Tuesday' in the presidential campaign.
Minnesotans head to their caucuses
On Super Tuesday, 1,151 delegates are up for grabs -- more than half the number needed to win the Democratic nomination.
Minnesota caucus night culminates campaign flurry in state
On Tuesday, neighborhood meetings held around the state could help decide who the Democrats nominate for president. The Minnesota caucuses are part of "super Tuesday." Residents of California, New York and seven other states will also vote in presidential primaries. And for the first time in many years, the candidates have been focusing on Minnesota along with the bigger states.
Bush backs constitutional amendment prohibiting marriages between same-sex partners
Jumping into a volatile election-year debate on same-sex weddings, President Bush on Tuesday backed a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage - a move he said was needed to stop judges from changing the definition of the "most enduring human institution."
Cheney in Minnesota to raise money, morale for Minnesota Republicans
Vice President Dick Cheney rallied Minnesota Republicans at a campaign fundraiser on Monday with a speech that defended the Bush administration's foreign policy.
Presidential politics
A day after the Wisconsin primary, Gary Eichten and his guests discuss the race for president. On Tuesday, presidential hopeful John Kerry won the Wisconsin primary in a narrow victory over John Edwards. Howard Dean dropped out of the race.

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