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Campaign 2004

Candidate Bio
George W. Bush
Political affiliation:
Republican Party
July 6, 1946
New Haven, CT
Married Laura Welsh, a librarian, in 1977. Twin daughters, Barbara and Jenna. Methodist.
President of the United States
Attended Phillips Academy, Andover (Mass.), and received degrees from Yale (B.A., 1968) and Harvard (M.B.A., 1975) universities.
Won election as governor of Texas, 1994.Worked in the oil and gas business in the '70s anbd '80s. Failed Republican nominee for Congress in 1978. Former owner of the Texas Rangers baseball club.
On the Issues
Audio Final presidential debate (10/13/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry debated in Tempe, Arizona.
Audio Second presidential debate (10/8/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry held their second debate in St. Louis, Mo.
Audio Vice presidential debate, Cleveland, Ohio (10/5/04)
John Edwards and Dick Cheney meet in their only debate.
Audio First presidential debate, Miami, Florida (9/30/04)
George W. Bush and John Kerry's first of three debates.
Audio Johnston, Iowa (1/4/04)
Seven Democratic candidates debated, two weeks before the Iowa caucuses.
Audio New Hampshire (12/9/03)
Eight of the Democratic candidates ganged up on front-runner Howard Dean
Audio NY Debate (9/25/03)
Ten Democratic candidates for president debate in New York, sponsored by MSNBC.
Audio Highlights
Audio President Bush's post-election news conference (11/4/04)
Audio President George W. Bush accepts his victory (11/3/04)
Audio Bush speaks at Rochester airport (10/19/04)
Audio Rally in Chanhassen (10/09/04)
Audio Rally in St. Cloud (9/16/04)
Audio Ask the President in Hudson, Wis. (8/18/04)
Audio Bush in Mankato (8/4/04)
Audio Bush in LeSueur (8/4/04)
Audio Cheney in Minneapolis(2/23/04)
Delivers pep talk to GOP.
Audio State of the Union(1/20/04)
"America's economy is strong but there are still troubled times in some parts of the country."
Audio Bush in Minnesota (8/26/03)
The president spoke at St. Paul's RiverCentre during a campaign fundraising stop.
Links and Resources
Web site:
Campaign blog:
Document Blogs for Bush
Campaign contributors:
Document Political Money Line
Candidate Pages

George W. Bush

President Bush had the power of incumbency on his side as he sought re-election to office. He has traveled extensively around the country, amassing a campaign war chest that allowed him to avoid the need for public financing, and the campaign spending limits that accompany it. It was a recipe that worked well in his first campaign, in which he raised so much money, that many of his dispirited Republican challengers dropped out of the race before the first primary was held. Bush's popularity soared following the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Although his favorable poll numbers often dipped below 50 percent, Bush was able to stay on his message during his entire campaign: the fight against terrorism. In the end, according to exit polling on Election Day, the election was as much about the war in Iraq and the fight against terrorism, as an affirmation of Bush's policies.

He won the election on November 2, 2004 with the largest popular vote in the nation's history, thanks in large measure to a huge turnout.

Wisconsin voters welcome attention from candidates
Wisconsin is in the national spotlight with Democratic candidates for President criss-crossing the state ahead of Tuesday's primary. For candidates John Edwards and Howard Dean, the dairy state is a must-win following John Kerry's victories in 14 of 16 previous primaries and caucuses. All of the attention is a welcome change to the state's residents.
Taking stock of the Democratic presidential nomination
Is John Kerry's perceived electability driving his success? A look at the factors contributing to the once long-shot candidate's winning ways.
The race for president
A look at the key issues and leading candidates in the presidential campaign. Presidential contests in Virginia and Tennessee are on Tuesday, and Democratic hopefuls are campaigning hard. Trying to steal some of the spotlight from Democrats seeking his job, President Bush is highlighting upswings in the U.S. economy.
Kerry wins in five states
Armed with a multistate win that cemented his front-runner status, John Kerry is pausing briefly before plunging into the next round of tests as a national presidential candidate. His campaign, Kerry said, is "on the move."
MPR Poll: November presidential contest might be close in Minnesota
Minnesota voters say if the presidential election were held today, Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts would have the best chance to beat George W. Bush in the state. A new Mason-Dixon poll sponsored by Minnesota Public Radio and the St. Paul Pioneer Press sheds light on voter opinions on President Bush, the Democratic candidates for president, and the war on terrorism.
Kerry rolls over N.H. rivals, taking mantle of front-runner as contest goes national
The opening acts behind them, Democrats transformed their presidential campaign into a national battle Wednesday with John Kerry, fresh from his New Hampshire win, ready to open an advertising blitz in all seven states that vote next and his rivals scrambling to stay competitive.
The next primaries, just around the corner
With the New Hampshire primary over, Gary and his guests take a look ahead to the next series of primaries on Tuesday, Feb. 3.
Spouses on the campaign trail
As the campaign progresses, Democratic candidates' wives are receiving more attention from the media. As in years past, one observer says, first ladies and the women who hope to succeed them are expected to drop careers to be hostesses.
New Hampshire primary
A preview of Tuesday's New Hampshire presidential primary. The candidates are making the most of Monday, in the final day before the primary. Among the Democrats, John Kerry and Howard Dean are leading the pack in some polls. But polls also show eight to 15 percent of likely voters are undecided -- and many others could change their minds.
The Iowa caucuses: results and analysis
After the blizzard of ads, the blanketing of the state by most of the Democratic candidates, Iowans caucused and made their choices. What's next for the following important primary, New Hampshire.
Kerry shakes up race and staggers Dean with decisive win in Iowa
Democratic presidential candidates vied for victory Monday across the chilly precincts of Iowa, the first step in the battle to face President Bush this fall. John Kerry was leading in preliminary results of an Associated Press survey of Iowa Democrats taken as they entered the caucus sites.
Practicing politics at an Iowa caucus
More than 100 people crammed Decorah's City Council chambers Monday night to participate in the Iowa Democratic caucus. For this precinct, in a small northeastern Iowa college town, it was the best-attended caucus in recent memory.
Variety of issues drive Iowans to caucuses
On Monday, Iowa Democrats will meet in close to 2,000 precinct caucuses around the state. Because Iowa gets to go first, some political observers say the views of Iowa residents play a disproportionate role in choosing a candidate for president. But the issues Iowans are concerned about --the war in Iraq, jobs, and education-- are the same ones on the minds of many Minnesotans and other Americans.
Democratic presidential candidates debate
Seven of the nine democratic presidential candidates debated in Des Moines, Iowa, Sunday night in the first official event of the election year. Former Vermont Governor Howard Dean was sharply criticized by his rivals on taxes, health care, and terrorism. Drake University political scientist Dennis Goldford discusses presidential politics.
Rivals target front-runner Dean in first debate of the election year
In a feisty, first debate of the election year, Howard Dean drew fire from fellow Democrats on Sunday over trade, terror and taxes, then calmly dismissed his rivals as "co-opted by the agenda of George Bush."

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